Do airplanes have an optimum C.G.? If yes, where is it?

Do airplanes have an optimum C.G.? If yes, where is it?

Yes, the closer the C.G. is to the rear limit, the less tail down force is required, which means less drag which results in less fuel burn.

How does a stall strip work?

How does a stall strip work?

A stall strip, usually located close to the wing root, causes the airflow to separate at a lower angle of attack and ensures that the wing root stalls before the wing tips.

Why does a wing stall?

Why does a wing stall?

A wing stalls because the airflow over the wing’s upper surface separates when the critical angle of attack is reached or exceeded. This causes a reduction in the lift generated by the aerofoil

Describe the movement of the center of pressure with varying angle of attack.

Describe the movement of the center of pressure with varying angle of attack.

The Center of pressure position is dependent of the angle of attack. As the angle of attack increases the center of pressure moves closer to the leading edge.

If the yaw damper fails and the aircraft experiences Dutch roll, how can the pilot stabilize the aircraft?

If the yaw damper fails and the aircraft experiences Dutch roll, how can the pilot stabilize the aircraft?

Apply opposite aileron to the direction of the roll.

When does speed change from IAS to Mach?

When does speed change from IAS to Mach?

At FL260

What is anhedral?

What is anhedral?

anhedral is the downward inclinitation of the wing from the root to the tip.

How accurate are NDB's?

How accurate are NDB's?

NDB’s are stations emitting a signal. There is nothing for them to be accurate about. ADF's on the other hand, when tuned to an NDB need to be accurate within +/- 5 degrees.

Can you explain to me what Mach tuck is?

Can you explain to me what Mach tuck is?

Mach tuck is a nose-down pitching moment experienced as an aircraft passes Mcrit.

Mach tuck is a form of longitudinal instability that is caused by the centre of pressures rearward movement (caused by the shock wave) behind the centre of gravity.

How does anti-skid work?

How does anti-skid work?

Antiskid has a detection system that senses the moment a wheel stops rotating.

Once it senses that the wheel is not rotating, the antiskid system releases brake pressure. This allows the wheel to regain traction with the surface, so that break application can be resumed and prevents complete loss of controllability.

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